Use Stormcure with Stormsure Flexible Repair Adhesive to help reduce the cure time from 24-48 hours down to approximately 1 hour.
Comes with Tamper Proof Lid
Mix the accelerator with a ratio of 1:5. One part accelerator : Five parts Adhesive.
1ml of Accelerator : 5ml(5g) Adhesive
The 30ml bottle will be enough to accelerate:
2 x 90g tubes of Stormsure Flexible Repair Adhesive
10 x 15g tubes of Stormsure Flexible Repair Adhesive
30 x 5g tubes of Stormsure Flexible Repair Adhesive
Squeeze the adhesive into a suitable container, plate, tray. Then add the accelerator. Mix the adhesive and accelerator quickly with a spatula or something similar thoroughly and then paint or apply it directly onto the surface you want to repair.
You should start to see the adhesive cured much faster than normal.
Also use it to pre-clean a surface and clean up afterwards.
N.B. The container, plate, tray you use to mix with, will probably have to be thrown away so don't use anything valuable.